Montreal@skyweather WEATHER
Average Min Temperature: 6.7°C | Average Max Temperature: 16.0°C | Greatest Rainfall: 42.4 mm in 1941 |
Low Temp Record: -4.0°C in 1996 | Hi Temp Record: 26.0°C in 2005 | Greatest Snowfall: 0.0 cm in 1871Most Snow on the Ground: 0 cm in 1955 |
Maximum low temp: 16.1°C in 1910 | Minimum high temp: 5.0°C in 1965 | Maximum wind gust: 72.0 km/h in 1973 |
Lowest Wind Chill: -7.0°C in 1965 | Highest Humidex: 30°C in 2005 |
World (Past 3 hours) | Canada | Quebec | |
Hot Spot Temperature | 46°C at Hoedspruit,South Africa | 19.6°C at Beaver Island (NS) | 16.5°C at Aéroport int. Montréal-Mirabel |
Cold Spot Temperature | -21.4°C at Williams Field,Antarctica | -12.6°C at Parc national Tuktut Nogait (NT) | 0.1°C at Pingualuit (Parc national) |
Wind Chill | -81.9 °C at Amundsen-Scott Stn,Antarctica | ||
Wind Gust | 94 km/h at Rawlins, Rawlins Municipal Airport, WY,United States |
Mainly sunny Max: 19°C |
Increasing cloudiness Max: 20°C |
Showers Max: 17°C |
Chance of showers Max: 13°C |
A mix of sun and cloud Max: 11°C |
Cloudy Max: 13°C |
A mix of sun and cloud Max: 15°C |
Saturday night
A few clouds Min: 10°C |
Sunday night
Rain Min: 12°C |
Monday night
Chance of showers Min: 5°C |
Tuesday night
Clear Min: 4°C |
Wednesday night
Chance of showers Min: 6°C |
Thursday night
Cloudy periods Min: 6°C |
Weatherunderground Weather Forecast from WeatherUnderground for Montreal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
Weather-Forecast from Weather-forecast for Montreal.
WEATHER CONDITONS local time 11:15 on 05 October 2024
Sky Conditions | Temperature and Humidity | |||
Temperature | 16.7 °C | Dew Point | 8.9 °C | |
Windchill | 16.7 °C | Humidity | 60% | |
Humidex | 17.5 °C | Cloud base | 3193 ft | |
Rainfall | ||||
Rainfall Today | 0.0 mm | Rainfall Rate | 0.0 mm/hr | |
Rainfall This Month | 1.8 mm | Rainfall This Year | 789.4 mm | |
Rainfall Last Hour | 0.0 mm | Last rainfall | 2024-10-04 21:58 | |
Wind | ||||
Wind Speed (gust) | 11.3 km/h | Wind Speed (avg) | 4.8 km/h | |
Wind Bearing | 276° W | Beaufort F1 | Light air | |
Pressure | ||||
Barometer | 1021.85 hPa | Steady | 0.02 hPa/hr | |
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::records::trends::forum:::Contact: |
Latitude N 45° 35' 13" Longitude W 73° 35' 18" Elevation 50 ft
Dawn: | 06:29 | Sunrise: | 06:58 | Moonrise: | 09:54 | |
Dusk: | 18:56 | Sunset: | 18:26 | Moonset: | 19:15 | |
Daylight: | 12:27 | Day length: | 11:28 | Moon Phase: | Waxing Crescent |
Page updated 2024-10-05 11:15:01 AM
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v1.9.4 (10992)
Montrealsky Webcam
NOAA Monthly Report
Monthly Climatological Summary for Oct 2024 Name: MONTREAL@ST.LEONARD City: MONTREAL State: QUEBEC- CANADA Elevation: 50 ft Lat: N 45° 35' 13" Lon: W 073° 35' 18" Temperature (°C), Rain (mm), Wind Speed (km/h) Heat Cool Avg Mean Deg Deg Wind Dom Day Temp High Time Low Time Days Days Rain Speed High Time Dir ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 16.9 23.6 15:30 11.2 06:38 2.7 1.3 0.0 4.7 27.4 15:36 SE 2 16.1 19.7 13:42 12.9 23:49 2.3 0.1 1.4 6.8 27.4 11:50 SSE 3 15.7 21.3 15:59 11.0 06:10 3.1 0.5 0.2 4.5 29.0 15:20 S 4 17.6 22.8 15:55 13.9 03:56 1.7 1.1 0.2 4.2 24.1 20:21 S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.6 23.6 1 11.0 3 9.8 3.0 1.8 5.1 29.0 3 SSE Max >= 32.0: 0 Max <= 0.0: 0 Min <= 0.0: 0 Min <= -18.0: 0 Max Rain: 1.4 on day 2 Days of Rain: 3 (>= 0.1 mm) 0 (>= 5.0 mm) 0 (>= 20.0 mm) Heat Base: 18.3 Cool Base: 18.3 Method: Integration